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Author: Vahid Aminian

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Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Software Testing Allocation
Reliability, Reliability Optimization
Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Software Testing Allocation

In the intricate world of software development, testing is a critical phase that ensures the final product is reliable, functional,…

  • April 9, 2020
  • Vahid Aminian
The Impact of Market Research on Product Strategy
Product Management
The Impact of Market Research on Product Strategy

Imagine a product launch – not the glitzy, champagne-fueled kind, but a scene straight out of a dusty antique store….

  • April 2, 2020
  • Vahid Aminian
Project Management within Operations: Bridging the Gap
Operations Management
Project Management within Operations: Bridging the Gap

The bustling world of operations can sometimes resemble a bustling marketplace – a whirlwind of activity with diverse tasks and…

  • March 10, 2020
  • Vahid Aminian
Network Interdiction and its Impact on Hospital Logistics
Health Network, Healthcare, Healthcare Access
Network Interdiction and its Impact on Hospital Logistics

In the complex landscape of hospital logistics, the concept of network interdiction plays a critical role in ensuring that healthcare…

  • February 3, 2020
  • Vahid Aminian
Operational Agility: Staying Ahead in a Fast-Paced Market
Operations Management
Operational Agility: Staying Ahead in a Fast-Paced Market

Imagine a cheetah sprinting across the savanna, effortlessly adapting its course as prey darts and predators loom. This agility, this…

  • January 13, 2020
  • Vahid Aminian
Building Customer-Centric Products: A Manager’s Guide
Product Management
Building Customer-Centric Products: A Manager’s Guide

In the swashbuckling world of product management, intuition used to be the captain’s compass. Brilliant ideas, fueled by hunches and…

  • January 7, 2020
  • Vahid Aminian
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