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Microaggressions in the Office: Recognizing and Addressing Subtle Bias
Equity & Diversity
Microaggressions in the Office: Recognizing and Addressing Subtle Bias

Imagine a brainstorming session buzzing with creative energy. Ideas flow like a vibrant melody, each team member contributing a distinct…

  • September 15, 2019
  • Vahid Aminian
The Unseen Exodus: Why Women Are Leaving Engineering
Equity & Diversity
The Unseen Exodus: Why Women Are Leaving Engineering

Imagine a world where innovation is stifled because of a lack of diversity in thought and experience. This is the…

  • March 3, 2018
  • Vahid Aminian
The Ripple Effect of Gender Equity: Beyond the Workplace
Equity & Diversity
The Ripple Effect of Gender Equity: Beyond the Workplace

The fight for gender equality has traditionally focused on creating a fair and balanced playing field within the professional sphere….

  • August 15, 2016
  • Vahid Aminian
Overcoming Unconscious Bias: Actionable Steps Towards Gender Equality
Equity & Diversity
Overcoming Unconscious Bias: Actionable Steps Towards Gender Equality

The fight for gender equality has seen significant strides in recent decades. Yet, a persistent hurdle remains: unconscious bias. These…

  • January 25, 2016
  • Vahid Aminian
Mentorship Magic: How Guiding Relationships Propel Women in STEM
Equity & Diversity
Mentorship Magic: How Guiding Relationships Propel Women in STEM

The world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) pulsates with the energy of discovery and innovation. Yet, despite the…

  • March 1, 2015
  • Vahid Aminian
The Economic Imperative: How Gender Equity Fuels Business Success
Equity & Diversity
The Economic Imperative: How Gender Equity Fuels Business Success

For far too long, the conversation surrounding gender equity has primarily focused on social justice and moral arguments. While these…

  • February 1, 2014
  • Vahid Aminian
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